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Test Class (100% code coverage) for Rest API web service class

In this post, I'll be posting a sample test class I wrote that has all CRUD operations and includes attachements in POST. It's built on a custom object Individual_KYC__c that has all the fields.

The class.

@RestResource(urlMapping='/Demo/IndividualKYCManager/*') global with sharing class IndividualKYCManager { global class KYCRequest { public String name {get; set;} public String email {get; set;} public String idnum {get; set;} public String phone{get; set;} public Boolean termsandconditions {get; set;} public String address1 {get; set;} public String address2 {get; set;} public String suburb {get; set;} public String nationality {get; set;} public String postcode {get; set;} public String summary {get; set;} public String uniqueid{get; set;} public List<KYCRequestAttachment> attachments {get; set;} }

global class KYCRequestAttachment { public String type {get; set;} public String base64 {get; set;} } //Create @HttpPost global static String IndividualKYCManager (KYCRequest request){ Individual_KYC__c ikyc=new Individual_KYC__c(); ikyc.Name =; ikyc.Email__c =; ikyc.Phone__c; ikyc.ID_Number__c = request.idnum; ikyc.Terms_and_Conditions__c = request.termsandconditions; ikyc.Address_Line_1__c = request.address1; ikyc.Address_Line_2_Optional__c = request.address2; ikyc.Suburb__c = request.suburb; ikyc.Nationality__c = request.nationality; ikyc.Post_Code__c = request.postcode; ikyc.Profile_Summary__c = request.summary; insert ikyc; String; Attachment[] attachments = new Attachment[] {}; for (KYCRequestAttachment att : request.attachments) { attachments.add(new Attachment( Name = att.type, Body = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(att.base64), //Body = Blob.valueOf(att.base64), ContentType = 'application/', ParentId = )); } insert attachments; return ikycid; } //Update @HttpPatch global static String updateAccount(String name, String photo,String email,string idnum, String phone, Boolean termsandconditions, String address1, String address2, String suburb, String nationality, String postcode, String summary){ RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; String keyID= req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1); Individual_KYC__c kyc= [select Id, Photo__c, Name,Phone__c,Terms_and_Conditions__c ,Address_Line_1__c ,Address_Line_2_Optional__c,Suburb__c, Nationality__c,Post_Code__c,Profile_Summary__c from Individual_KYC__c where id =: keyID]; kyc.Name=name; kyc.Email__c=email; kyc.ID_Number__c=idnum; kyc.Phone__c=phone; kyc.Terms_and_Conditions__c = termsandconditions; kyc.Address_Line_1__c = address1; kyc.Address_Line_2_Optional__c= address2; kyc.Suburb__c= suburb; kyc.Nationality__c= nationality; kyc.Post_Code__c= postcode; kyc.Photo__c = photo; kyc.Profile_Summary__c= summary ; update kyc; return 'Record updated'; } //Retrieve @HttpGet global static Individual_KYC__c getIndividualKYCById() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; String merchId = req.requestURI.substring( req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1); Individual_KYC__c result = [SELECT Name,Email__c,ID_Number__c,Photo__c,Phone__c, Address_Line_1__c ,Address_Line_2_Optional__c,Suburb__c,Nationality__c,Post_Code__c,Profile_Summary__c FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Id = :merchId]; return result; } //Delete @HttpDelete global static String doDelete() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; String kycID = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1); Individual_KYC__c kyc = [SELECT Id FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Id = :kycID]; delete kyc; return 'Record deleted'; } }


Test Class.

@isTest public class IndividualKYCManagerTest{

@testSetup static void setup() { Individual_KYC__c ikyc = new Individual_KYC__c(); ikyc.Name = 'Test'; ikyc.Email__c = ''; ikyc.Phone__c = '+22 678 456 345'; ikyc.Terms_and_Conditions__c = false; ikyc.Address_Line_1__c = '23 West Street'; insert ikyc; } static testMethod void testCreateIndividualKYCManager() {

RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); RestResponse res = new RestResponse(); IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequest kycReq = new IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequest(); = 'name'; = ''; kycReq.idnum = 'id number'; = '+23 567 890'; kycReq.termsandconditions = true; kycReq.address1 = 'address 1'; kycReq.address2 = 'address 2'; kycReq.suburb = 'suburb'; kycReq.nationality = 'SA'; kycReq.postcode = '1234'; kycReq.summary = 'summary'; kycReq.uniqueid = 'unique id'; kycReq.attachments = new List<IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequestAttachment>(); IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequestAttachment attach1 = new IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequestAttachment(); attach1.type = 'MyAttach1.txt'; attach1.base64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf('attachment 1')); kycReq.attachments.add(attach1); IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequestAttachment attach2 = new IndividualKYCManager.KYCRequestAttachment(); attach2.type = 'MyAttach2.txt'; attach2.base64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf('attachment 2')); kycReq.attachments.add(attach2); String jsonMsg = JSON.serialize(kycReq );

// pass the req and resp objects to the method req.requestURI = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/apexrest/Demo/IndividualKYCManager'; req.httpMethod = 'POST'; req.requestBody = Blob.valueof(jsonMsg); RestContext.request = req; RestContext.response = res; String ikycId = IndividualKYCManager.IndividualKYCManager(kycReq); Individual_KYC__c ikyc = [SELECT Id, Name, Email__c, Phone__c, ID_Number__c, Terms_and_Conditions__c, Address_Line_1__c, Address_Line_2_Optional__c, Suburb__c, Nationality__c, Post_Code__c, Profile_Summary__c FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Id = :ikycId]; System.assertEquals(ikyc.Name, 'name'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Email__c, ''); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Phone__c, '+23 567 890'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.ID_Number__c, 'id number'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Terms_and_Conditions__c , true); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Address_Line_1__c, 'address 1'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Address_Line_2_Optional__c, 'address 2'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Suburb__c, 'suburb'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Nationality__c, 'SA'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Post_Code__c, '1234'); System.assertEquals(ikyc.Profile_Summary__c, 'summary'); List<Attachment> attachments = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = :ikycId]; System.assertEquals(attachments.size(), 2); } static testMethod void testUpdateAccount() {

RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); RestResponse res = new RestResponse(); Individual_KYC__c ikyc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Name = 'Test'];

// pass the req and resp objects to the method req.requestURI = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/apexrest/Demo/IndividualKYCManager/' + ikyc.Id; req.httpMethod = 'PATCH'; RestContext.request = req; RestContext.response = res; String result = IndividualKYCManager.updateAccount('Test', null, '', 'id number', '+23 456 213', true, 'address 1', 'optional', null, 'SA', '9999', 'summary'); System.assertEquals(result, 'Record updated'); Individual_KYC__c ikycAfterUpd = [SELECT Id, Name, Photo__c, Email__c, ID_Number__c, Phone__c, Terms_and_Conditions__c, Address_Line_1__c, Address_Line_2_Optional__c, Suburb__c, Nationality__c, Post_Code__c, Profile_Summary__c FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Id = :ikyc.Id]; System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Name, 'Test'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Photo__c, null); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Email__c, ''); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.ID_Number__c, 'id number'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Phone__c, '+23 456 213'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Terms_and_Conditions__c, true); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Address_Line_1__c, 'address 1'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Address_Line_2_Optional__c, 'optional'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Suburb__c, null); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Nationality__c, 'SA'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Post_Code__c, '9999'); System.assertEquals(ikycAfterUpd.Profile_Summary__c, 'summary'); }

static testMethod void testGetIndividualKYCById() {

RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); RestResponse res = new RestResponse(); Individual_KYC__c ikyc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Name = 'Test'];

// pass the req and resp objects to the method req.requestURI = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/apexrest/Demo/IndividualKYCManager/' + ikyc.Id; req.httpMethod = 'GET'; RestContext.request = req; RestContext.response = res; Individual_KYC__c result = IndividualKYCManager.getIndividualKYCById(); System.assertEquals(result.Name, 'Test'); System.assertEquals(result.Email__c, ''); System.assertEquals(result.ID_Number__c, null); System.assertEquals(result.Photo__c, null); System.assertEquals(result.Phone__c, '+22 678 456 345'); System.assertEquals(result.Address_Line_1__c, '23 West Street'); System.assertEquals(result.Address_Line_2_Optional__c, null); System.assertEquals(result.Suburb__c, null); System.assertEquals(result.Nationality__c, null); System.assertEquals(result.Post_Code__c, null); System.assertEquals(result.Profile_Summary__c, null); } static testMethod void testDoDelete() {

RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); RestResponse res = new RestResponse(); Individual_KYC__c ikyc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Name = 'Test'];

// pass the req and resp objects to the method req.requestURI = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/apexrest/Demo/IndividualKYCManager/' + ikyc.Id; req.httpMethod = 'DELETE'; RestContext.request = req; RestContext.response = res; String result = IndividualKYCManager.doDelete(); System.assertEquals(result, 'Record deleted'); List<Individual_KYC__c> ikycs = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Individual_KYC__c WHERE Id = :ikyc.Id]; System.assertEquals(ikycs.size(), 0); } }

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